管理手册 政策及程序



管理:001 - 099

001Standard Procedure Documents (PDF 50KB)04/19/2000
002Selection of Members to the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President (PDF 35KB)06/13/2013
003University Responses to the Office of the Chancellor (PDF 33 kb)03/15/1983
004University Name, Logo, Seal, and Landmark symbols (PDF 29 kb)07/13/1983
005University Publications (PDF 37KB)09/27/1983
006University Smoking Policy (PDF 56KB)10/03/2017
007Campus Physical Planning Committee (CPPC) and Space Management Subcommittee (PDF 58 kb)04/26/2010
009Risk Management and Safety Committee (PDF 33 kb)04/11/2002
010公共纪录(PDF 52 kb)07/03/1989
011Student Records Administration (PDF 74KB)09/23/2005
014法律意见(PDF 27KB)03/20/2007
015Requests to Name Facilities, Properties and Rooms (PDF 40KB)07/20/2007
019Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus (PDF 47KB)06/03/2024
021诉讼通知书(PDF 30KB)02/24/1984
022策略规划(PDF 36KB)07/01/2002
023Information Practices (PDF 67KB)06/17/1985
025辅助服务(PDF 26 kb)08/14/2000
026Internet Presence: Website and Portal, Digital Content, Organization and Responsibility (PDF 54 kb)11/16/2017
027媒体关系(PDF 29 kb)03/31/1988


100Payment for Services for International Referral of 学生 in Non-credit Self-support Programs Offered Through Extended Education (PDF 98KB)03/15/2010
101建立, 操作, and Dissolution of Presidentially-Chartered Centers, 研究院, 或各局(PDF 51KB)09/27/2010
102Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct (PDF 121KB)04/02/2014

融资:200 - 299

200外部审计(PDF 32KB)06/13/2013
201Board of Control Claims (PDF 28KB)04/15/1999
203Capital Outlay Project Requests (PDF 53KB)07/31/1986
204学生收费政策(PDF 45KB)06/13/2013
205学生成功费(PDF 35KB)12/19/2012
212University Resource Allocation Plan (PDF 38KB)05/14/2018
215Distribution of Indirect Costs from Externally Funded Contracts and Grants (PDF 36KB)05/26/2000
216University Projects Fund (PDF 27KB)02/25/1985
217Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee (PDF 50KB)05/12/2004
218辅助帐户 (PDF 58 kb)10/16/2014
220Cost Share Procedures (PDF 46KB)07/24/2017


304选举日(PDF 28KB)07/20/1999
305出庭聆讯(PDF 35KB)01/14/1985
311Criminal Records Check – Units 3, 11, 13, Volunteers and Special Consultants (PDF 40KB)02/21/2012
312Fingerprint Procedure (PDF 42 kb)04//26/2010
313Recruitment for Vacant Positions (PDF 39 kb)07/03/1989
314Selection and Appointment (PDF 56KB)05/05/1989
315Temporary Appointments (PDF 52 kb)04/24/1989
316Conditions of Employment (PDF 48 kb)12/21/2001
320试用(PDF 49KB)11/17/1982
321Performance Appraisals for Non-academic and Administrative Employees (PDF 54 kb)09/20/1983
323分离(PDF 35KB)08/16/1982
330Appointment, Retention, and Promotion of Athletic Coaches (PDF 49KB)09/08/1983
331补偿(PDF 56KB)07/06/1983
336Unemployment Compensation (PDF 34KB)07/03/1989
338Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (PDF 41KB)09/30/1985
339工作人员 Leaves of Absence (PDF 45KB)02/24/1986
341工资单服务(PDF 36KB)03/04/1986
356资料转移(PDF 39 kb)07/03/1989
358重新分配(PDF 27KB)07/03/1989
365简介(PDF 26 kb)07/07/1983
368专业训练(PDF 34KB)07/26/1985
376HEERA Designation Changes (PDF 63KB)08/18/1982
377Unfair Labor Practices (PDF 40KB)01/12/1983
396Reconsideration Procedures for Management Personnel Plan Employees (PDF 42 kb)05/19/2017

健康/安全/安全:400 - 499

400Medical and Psychological Emergencies (PDF 32KB)07/21/1993
401Elevator Malfunction (PDF 30KB)08/16/1982
402停车 and Traffic Regulations (PDF 79KB)01/03/2011
403按键控制(PDF 78KB)09/19/2005
404公开会议, 集会, and Demonstration and Guidelines for Handling Related Emergencies (PDF 38KB)02/16/1988
405Accident Reports and Investigations (PDF 28KB)02/11/2013
407Disposition of Lost, Unclaimed or Abandoned Property (PDF 31KB)04/16/2012
408Emergency Action Plan (PDF 57KB)12/16/2019
409消防程序(PDF 34KB)10/26/1984
411Use of Controlled Substances in Research (PDF 41KB)04/07/2011
414保安警报(PDF 39 kb)12/21/2012
415视频监控(PDF 47KB)11/20/23
417Utility Failure or Shutdown (PDF 32KB)07/07/1989
418Risk Management Policy (PDF 62KB)08/10/2003
419石棉管理(PDF 41KB)10/26/2007
422Radiation Safety Committee (PDF 165KB)12/18/2012
424Risk Management/Environmental, Health & Safety Procedures Manual (PDF 34KB)01/15/2003
425人体工程学项目 (PDF 39 kb)08/02/2013
426Laboratory Safety Committee (PDF 202KB)11/15/23
429Emergency Management Advisory Council Charter10/25/2017
430University Regulatory Training Requirements (PDF 520KB)03/15/2010
431Use of University and Privately Owned Vehicles12/16/2019


500汽车管理 (PDF 52 kb)12/16/2019
501University Pool Vehicles (PDF 54 kb)04/10/1989
502Inner Campus Cart and Vehicle Policy (PDF 48 kb)04/21/2000
503Facilities Services Work Requests09/25/2018
505设施的使用 and Equipment6/29/2016
507物业管理(PDF 53KB)04/15/2002
508Use of Personal Property on Campus (PDF 43KB)09/21/1999
509物业调查(PDF 34KB)07/31/2000

采购:600 - 699

601零用现金采购(PDF 46KB)07/21/1993
602Procurement and Contracts Requisitions09/22/2017


701Reprographics and Typesetting Services (PDF 172KB)07/01/1982
702邮件服务(PDF 38KB)02/21/2002
703电话服务(PDF 43KB)04/27/1983
704Office Machine Repair Service (PDF 36KB)05/05/1983
705航运服务(PDF 32KB)08/10/2003
706接收服务(PDF 36KB)08/10/2003
707Records Retention, Management and Disposition Program (PDF 690KB)05/13/2011
708Destruction of Confidential Records (PDF 34KB)07/12/1983
711纸张回收(PDF 27KB)06/04/1985


800Scholarship Administration (PDF 41KB)07/26/2017
801Academic Department 的地方ment Tests (PDF 29 kb)08/19/1982
802University Recognition of Student Organizations01/08/2018
803English 的地方ment Test, On Demand Administration (PDF 30KB)08/19/1982
804学生就业(PDF 59KB)09/30/1985
806Short-Term Loan Program (PDF 29 kb)02/28/1985


902Required Project Reporting (PDF 32KB)04/18/2003
903Fiscal Close-out Procedures for Sponsored Projects (PDF 29 kb)07/24/2017
904允许的成本/费用 & Post Award Administration (PDF 35KB)04/18/2003
905Post-Award Activities (PDF 29 kb)04/18/2003
906成本分摊 & 实物承诺(PDF 62KB)07/24/2017
907Subrecipient Monitoring (PDF 35KB)07/24/2017
908Effort Reporting Related to Grants and Contracts (PDF 33 kb)07/24/2017


P001无毒品工作场所 (PDF 26 kb)03/21/2019
P004Policy on Campus Violence (PDF 23KB)06/27/2008
P005义工(PDF 93KB)01/18/2008
P006Policy For One-up (Next-Level) Authorizations For Business Expenses (PDF 30KB)06/22/2012

Time, 的地方 and Manner of Free Expression (CSU系统策略)

Note: The existing university Time, 的地方, and Manner policy will continue to apply to union represented employees until the unions have completed bargaining. 全系统时间, 的地方, Manner policy will apply to all employees following the conclusion of bargaining.

California State University, Los Angeles Addendum To 基社盟系统wide Time, 的地方, and Manner Policy

P007Time, 的地方 and Manner of Free Expression (PDF 245 kb)6/18/2024
P008Policy for Technology and Information Security Compliance (PDF 66KB)06/13/2013
P009Disability Support and Accommodations临时
P011自行车限制政策, 滑板, 溜冰鞋, Hoverboards, and Similar Devices on University Grounds07/26/2017